How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?


How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?

According to new statistics, two in five UK employees are changing jobs before the end of the year, some being coined as ‘loud quitters’, with the demand for hybrid roles being a key driving force in their desire to move. The concept of ‘Job Hopping’ – in which young workers rapidly move from post to post to improve pay […]

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly


How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly Creating an inclusive workplace that values neurodiversity not only benefits individual employees, but also promotes a culture of acceptance and diversity within the organisation. There are many benefits to hiring neurodivergent candidates, for example, candidates with autistic traits can excel in specialist subjects, bring creativity to problem-solving, […]

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 


Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 

The importance of hard skills vs soft skills is an ongoing debate, even though they are both crucial capabilities an employee should hold. How do you determine which holds more weight?  Let’s take a closer look at the difference between both skillsets and which are more important in the workplace.  What Are Hard Skills?  Indeed […]

Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 


Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 

Recruitment and learning with AI has reframed business processes, with apprenticeships providing a great solution for both; recruiting fresh new talent, and upskilling existing employees to close the digital skills gap in the workplace today. How we work with technology will improve our work experience, eradicating the boredom of daily tasks so we can focus […]

AI on the Rise: The Importance of Humanness in Hiring


AI on the Rise: The Importance of Humanness in Hiring

As AI becomes more ingrained in our daily lives, more people are incorporating these automated processes into their work. In fact, 37% of people have already used AI at work, and we can expect more people to start using it daily, too. But, how important is humanness in hiring? Caroline Gleeson, CEO at Occupop, says: “AI is […]

Dealing With Job Interview Rejection


Dealing With Job Interview Rejection

Job interviews are seen as opportunities to showcase your skills, experiences and passions for a role which could ultimately lead to a new career path and exciting future. However, they also come with the possibility of job rejection. Facing job interview rejection can be disheartening and shake your confidence. It’s important to remember that job […]

Tips When Attracting Gen Z Talent


Tips When Attracting Gen Z Talent

If you’re a business seeking growth and success, then attracting Gen Z talent and retaining them will be one of your priorities. However, your recruiting process may need to adapt as Generation Z (Gen Z) enters the job market with their distinct preferences and values. Here are some tips to help you better understand how […]

How to Make a Positive Impact with Recruitment & Onboarding


How to Make a Positive Impact with Recruitment & Onboarding

When it comes to recruiting for vacant roles within your company, making sure you retain the talent you’re bringing in may be one of your concerns. Especially so since research shows 30% of starters leave their roles within the first three months and replacing them can cost you up to £30,614 per research from Oxford […]

Employers Guide for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce


Employers Guide for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce

Creating a diverse workforce without crossing into discrimination is hard thing to balance. In this article, we’ll look at unconscious bias and its role in recruitment, also the impact on diversity and discrimination. We’ll touch on some legal points and what protected characteristics to be mindful of in a recruitment context. Challenge of Recruiting a […]