NHS Sick Days: Mental Health Responsible for a Quarter of Staff Absences


NHS Sick Days: Mental Health Responsible for a Quarter of Staff Absences

The NHS’ median absences for mental health leave has increased an estimated 68% over the last five years. That’s according to Digital PR Agency, Reboot Online, who analysed over 1.7 million absent records for over 500,000 NHS staff to determine the number of NHS sick days related to mental health. To determine the effect of mental […]

Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees


Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees

Employee retention is a top priority for businesses to maintain a stable and productive workforce. Unfortunately, many companies are making mistakes and aren’t necessarily aware of what really motivates employees, in order to have an effective retention strategy. A recent survey conducted by talent acquisition specialists Talos 360 sheds light on the most impactful retention tactics that […]

How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?


How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?

According to new statistics, two in five UK employees are changing jobs before the end of the year, some being coined as ‘loud quitters’, with the demand for hybrid roles being a key driving force in their desire to move. The concept of ‘Job Hopping’ – in which young workers rapidly move from post to post to improve pay […]

Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?


Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?

When it comes to a productive business, happy and healthy employees are essential. Whether it is physical safety or mental wellbeing, maintaining a good working environment is the responsibility of any business and this includes putting mental health days into place. With Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May, looking into your business’ wellbeing strategies is crucial […]

Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated


Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated

As a flexible way for employees to carry out duties, working from home has become a staple work offering within the modern workplace and has seen a significant shift in application across businesses worldwide. Spearheaded by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and paired with the increased availability of video and instant messaging platforms such […]

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly


How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly Creating an inclusive workplace that values neurodiversity not only benefits individual employees, but also promotes a culture of acceptance and diversity within the organisation. There are many benefits to hiring neurodivergent candidates, for example, candidates with autistic traits can excel in specialist subjects, bring creativity to problem-solving, […]

How To Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business


How To Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business

Email marketing in its simplest terms is marketing that can be delivered via email. It is a popular, high-reach, versatile, and customisable tool that companies can take advantage of as a catalyst in delivering a variety of marketing content to specific users and potential customers. In a HubSpot study, email marketing is used by 31% […]

Balancing Work and Fitness: A Guide


Balancing Work and Fitness: A Guide

People are becoming more conscious of their work-life balance and how incorporating levels of fitness activities in their routine can impact their physical and mental health within the working week. In a study conducted in 2022 by the World Health Organisation: “1 in 4 adults do not meet the global recommended levels of physical activity”. […]

How to Future-Proof Your Career


How to Future-Proof Your Career

Having a stable career and path can help alleviate stress, improve happiness, and give you a goal to drive towards. With 74% of UK workers worried about their financial situation, having a career plan you can trust can help improve your confidence and ultimately future-proof your career path. Future-proofing your career doesn’t have to be a difficult […]

Business Start-up Anxiety – Overcoming Entrepreneur Fear


Business Start-up Anxiety – Overcoming Entrepreneur Fear

For most entrepreneurs, starting their own business is the main aim. But quickly, business start-up anxiety and self-doubt can set in and stop them from acting and putting plans in place. Entrepreneurial fear can hinder those wanting to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Facing anxiety head-on and finding new coping methods will […]

How a Business Acquisition Can Provide Quick Growth Opportunities


How a Business Acquisition Can Provide Quick Growth Opportunities

In today’s difficult economic landscape, many small businesses are struggling to keep their heads above water. Even those in a more comfortable position haven’t found themselves unscathed either. Research compiled by Enterprise Nation found that UK companies are delaying their plans for growth while the economic future remains so uncertain. Their findings showed that there had been […]

Unlocking Mental Health at Work: Global Expert Insights and Best Practices


Unlocking Mental Health at Work: Global Expert Insights and Best Practices

Mental Health Specialist Sarah Jeffries from Mental Health First Aid investigates the complex connections between employment conditions, unemployment, and mental health at work. As our professional environments evolve, there’s a pressing need for a more profound understanding of how the duration of work and unemployment statistics influence mental wellness. Through the lens of our recent study, we aim to […]

The Consequence of Not Being Socially Responsible


The Consequence of Not Being Socially Responsible

Integrating ethical and sustainable practices into your business operations – and, more importantly, embracing them – are at the very least expected by both consumers and employees. By not fulfilling these expectations, businesses risk a variety of negative consequences. Repercussions of Not Being Socially Responsible Damaging the Reputation You’ve Built Transparency is paramount amongst businesses […]

What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One


What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One

An exit strategy is something that shouldn’t be overlooked by any business owner or entrepreneur. When starting a new venture, it might not be the first thing on the to-do list, but a well-defined plan is essential for many reasons. Here’s what an exit strategy entails and why every business – regardless of size or […]

Why is Time Management So Important?


Why is Time Management So Important?

Time management is a great skill to have, not only in your professional life but in your personal life too! As we all know, maintaining healthy work-life balance is incredibly important so effective time management is a useful tool to help achieve this. By overcoming distractions that demand our attention and efficiently organising our tasks, […]

What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?


What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?

Are you taking advantage of the Chamber of Commerce? It plays a significant role in the economic development, connecting businesses, government and communities. If you weren’t aware of the part it plays, we’re going to take a closer look in this article. How Does the Chamber of Commerce Drive Economic Development? The Chamber of Commerce […]

First-Time Managers: How to Develop the Skills & Qualities You Need


First-Time Managers: How to Develop the Skills & Qualities You Need

Managing a team can be an exciting experience but it can also pose challenges, particularly for first-time managers and those transitioning from a team member to a leader. Statistically, managers promoted from within are more likely to be respected by their former teammates compared to an external hire – but there are still challenges ahead for those […]

How To Write A Blog In 5 Steps


How To Write A Blog In 5 Steps

Blogging enables you to share ideas and connect with audiences you may never have thought was possible. Although blogging is a powerful tool, in order to yield the results you want, it’s essential you create a strategy so your target audience is captivated and your message is conveyed in the way you want it to […]

Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success


Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success

In today’s working environment, we operate in hierarchies of teams and leaders. Navigating the complexities within these dynamics can quite simply make or break your business. This article will explore the importance of both teamwork and leadership skills and their role in determining business success. Leadership Skills Confidence Firstly, a good leader must be recognised […]

How To Create an Employee Wellbeing Strategy


How To Create an Employee Wellbeing Strategy

Creating an employee wellbeing strategy is integral when it comes to looking after the mental, physical, and social needs of your employees. Not only does a wellbeing strategy take care of employees, it also can improve their performance and productivity at work. It should aim to cover both immediate issues, but also take into consideration […]

How Can You Turn Corporate Social Responsibility into a Priority in Your Business or Organisation?


How Can You Turn Corporate Social Responsibility into a Priority in Your Business or Organisation?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the impact a company contributes to society and environmental causes. Examples of socially responsible actions include volunteering, making sustainable choices for the environment, engaging in ethical labour practices and charity work. A 2023 study found that 88% of millennials value CSR when choosing their jobs, and that their chosen company […]

How Often Should My Business Post Blogs?


How Often Should My Business Post Blogs?

As digital marketing becomes the new normal, keeping up with a consistent, engaging online presence is key when sustaining or growing your business. One of the most frequented methods of digital marketing is blogging. However, the question often asked is how often should my business post blogs? And how do I write a blog? This […]

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 


Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 

The importance of hard skills vs soft skills is an ongoing debate, even though they are both crucial capabilities an employee should hold. How do you determine which holds more weight?  Let’s take a closer look at the difference between both skillsets and which are more important in the workplace.  What Are Hard Skills?  Indeed […]

Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 


Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 

Recruitment and learning with AI has reframed business processes, with apprenticeships providing a great solution for both; recruiting fresh new talent, and upskilling existing employees to close the digital skills gap in the workplace today. How we work with technology will improve our work experience, eradicating the boredom of daily tasks so we can focus […]

AI on the Rise: The Importance of Humanness in Hiring


AI on the Rise: The Importance of Humanness in Hiring

As AI becomes more ingrained in our daily lives, more people are incorporating these automated processes into their work. In fact, 37% of people have already used AI at work, and we can expect more people to start using it daily, too. But, how important is humanness in hiring? Caroline Gleeson, CEO at Occupop, says: “AI is […]

How to Handle Employee off With Work-Related Stress


How to Handle Employee off With Work-Related Stress

The work-related stress of meeting deadlines, adapting to changes, all while remaining productive, can often affect employees. As an employer or leader, it’s important to recognise and effectively handle situations where team members are facing stress. Creating a supportive and understanding workplace culture not only enhances employee wellbeing but contributes to a more productive workforce. […]

Dealing With Job Interview Rejection


Dealing With Job Interview Rejection

Job interviews are seen as opportunities to showcase your skills, experiences and passions for a role which could ultimately lead to a new career path and exciting future. However, they also come with the possibility of job rejection. Facing job interview rejection can be disheartening and shake your confidence. It’s important to remember that job […]

Why Happy Employees Are More Productive


Why Happy Employees Are More Productive

Productivity stands as a cornerstone for achieving sustainable growth in business success. However, increased productivity may not result from intricate strategies, but in the happiness of your employees. A study found that happy employees are up to 20% more productive than their unhappy counterparts. Let’s take a closer look at how happy employees are more […]

Tips When Attracting Gen Z Talent


Tips When Attracting Gen Z Talent

If you’re a business seeking growth and success, then attracting Gen Z talent and retaining them will be one of your priorities. However, your recruiting process may need to adapt as Generation Z (Gen Z) enters the job market with their distinct preferences and values. Here are some tips to help you better understand how […]

4 Obstacles to Overcome to Create a Learning Culture in the Workplace


4 Obstacles to Overcome to Create a Learning Culture in the Workplace

Embracing a learning culture in the workplace is a great way to help your business and people thrive. When companies get this right, it is estimated they are 92% more likely to be innovative and 37% more productive. That said, there is no hiding that implementing organisational change by bringing in a learning culture can come […]

How to Make a Positive Impact with Recruitment & Onboarding


How to Make a Positive Impact with Recruitment & Onboarding

When it comes to recruiting for vacant roles within your company, making sure you retain the talent you’re bringing in may be one of your concerns. Especially so since research shows 30% of starters leave their roles within the first three months and replacing them can cost you up to £30,614 per research from Oxford […]

Employees prioritise working for ethical businesses over higher salaries


Employees prioritise working for ethical businesses over higher salaries

New research reveals that money isn’t always the biggest motivator when it comes to people looking for their dream jobs, with nearly half of adults (46%) saying that working for an ethical business is more important to them than getting a higher salary. Surprisingly, nearly half of the adult population (46%) place a greater importance […]

Why the Term “Imposter Syndrome” Should Be Banned


Why the Term “Imposter Syndrome” Should Be Banned

New survey data from music licensing company PPL PRS reveals that, although the majority of UK workers are confident at work, they still get the wobbles sometimes. 49% UK workers shared that they suffer from low confidence during performance reviews, even though 71% of those respondents feel confident other times. This PPL PRS survey asked 1000 UK […]

Productivity Tips to Boost Your Employees’ Mood


Productivity Tips to Boost Your Employees’ Mood

With the winter blues creeping in on us, searches for seasonal affective disorder have increased by 500%. This can create feelings of lethargy, irritability and increase difficulty in concentration levels among employees, which can impact performance at work.  With the colder months capable of having an impact on productivity in the workplace, which features can help […]

How to Encourage Staff to Get More Active


How to Encourage Staff to Get More Active

Research from the World Health Organisation has found that a quarter of adults around the world don’t get the sufficient levels of physical activity needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Businesses should take note of this, as there is a direct correlation between exercise and workplace productivity. In fact, a study by the University of Otago in […]

Effective Ways the Travel Industry Can Reduce Waste


Effective Ways the Travel Industry Can Reduce Waste

The travel industry is one of the largest contributors to waste globally, with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) estimating that around 1.3 billion tonnes of waste is produced by tourists alone. With the global industry forecast to hit a staggering estimate of around £770 billion in revenue, an emphasis needs to be placed on businesses to reduce […]

Employers Guide for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce


Employers Guide for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce

Creating a diverse workforce without crossing into discrimination is hard thing to balance. In this article, we’ll look at unconscious bias and its role in recruitment, also the impact on diversity and discrimination. We’ll touch on some legal points and what protected characteristics to be mindful of in a recruitment context. Challenge of Recruiting a […]

Pressing Pause: Why It’s Okay to Take a Mid-Life Career Gap


Pressing Pause: Why It’s Okay to Take a Mid-Life Career Gap

Around 90,000 workers in the UK take some sort of mid-life career break every year, whether it’s to travel the world, look after a loved one, or seek a new opportunity. It is fair to say that, as you jump on the career ladder, you are expected to stick to one profession or move seamlessly from […]

Toxic Culture In The Workplace and How To Avoid It


Toxic Culture In The Workplace and How To Avoid It

We spend the majority of our time in our place of work, surrounded by colleagues. It’s a place where we earn, but also where we learn and socialise every day. For employers, avoiding toxic workplace culture attracts talent and improves retention in employees, with research showing that it is 10.4 times more likely to contribute […]

How To Recover From Workplace Burnout


How To Recover From Workplace Burnout

The term burnout has been mentioned a lot in recent years, but what exactly is it? Burnout is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion that comes as a result of overworking or excessive professional responsibility. A 2023 report found that almost half of UK workers are experiencing burnout and work-related stress, costing the […]

What Should Be Included in Employee Training?


What Should Be Included in Employee Training?

Employee training – it’s essential, but the very thought of it brings up a whole big list of headaches, doesn’t it? Whether you’re a one-man band or a director with a battalion of staff, the challenge is universal. The pound signs start flashing before your eyes as you consider the cost of quality training. There’s […]

Famous Quotes on Business Success & Change


Famous Quotes on Business Success & Change

Success is a journey, not a destination! Keep your spirits high and your team motivated through the wisdom encapsulated in quotes from successful and famous business leaders. These nuggets of wisdom should serve as daily affirmations 🙂 boost self-esteem 🙂 and driving everyone to give their best at work! – Well thats the aim at […]

InstaRich – How to Monetize Your Instagram


InstaRich – How to Monetize Your Instagram

Whether you’re just starting out or already have a growing audience, this article will help you grow profit from your social efforts. Before we dive into the ways you can monetize Instagram, let’s address some common questions: Can You Make Money on Instagram with 1,000 Followers? You don’t need tens of thousands of followers to […]

Content Writing Services Compared


Content Writing Services Compared

So, you’re a busy business owner. Your to-do list is endless, your calendar is packed, and you’re juggling a million tasks at once. Blogging will grow your brand, drive website traffic, and it’ll increase sales. But let’s face it – who has the time to write blogs? Here’s some options for outsourcing your blog content. […]

How to Recession-Proof Your Business


How to Recession-Proof Your Business

Economic downturns are a natural part of the business cycle, but their impact can be particularly devastating for smaller enterprises. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up three-fifths of the employment and around half of the turnover in the UK private sector. Given their significant role, it’s crucial […]

What Are the Advantages of Being a Sole Trader?


What Are the Advantages of Being a Sole Trader?

In the UK, the two most common options are; becoming a sole trader or forming a limited company. While both have their merits, let’s delve into the advantages and disadvantages of being a sole trader, to help you make an informed decision. Sole Trader Advantages Simplicity and Control As a sole trader, you have complete […]

How to Support Neurodiversity in the Workplace


How to Support Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Let’s explore what neurodiversity is, why it’s essential for businesses to embrace it, and how you can create a more inclusive environment for neurodivergent individuals. What is Neurodiversity? This term neurodiversity encompasses a variety of conditions, including autism, ADHD, and dyslexia, among others. Neurodiversity is the idea that neurological differences are just as valid as […]

The Best Small Business Management Software in 2023


The Best Small Business Management Software in 2023

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency and organisation are paramount. For small businesses in the UK, finding the right management software can be the difference between success and stagnation. With a plethora of options available, how do you choose the best fit for your business? In this post, we’ll delve into the top 20 small […]

Supporting Dyslexia in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide


Supporting Dyslexia in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

Dyslexia, a prevalent learning difficulty, affects a significant portion of the global population. While it primarily impacts reading and writing skills, it doesn’t reflect an individual’s overall intelligence or potential. In the workplace, supporting dyslexia is not just about compliance but also about creating an inclusive environment where every employee can shine. In this post, […]

UK Business Startup Grants: Your Guide to Funding Success


UK Business Startup Grants: Your Guide to Funding Success

One of the most significant challenges startups face is securing funding. Thankfully, the UK government and various organisations offer grants to help budding entrepreneurs. Let’s dive into the world of UK business startup grants and explore your options. What are Business Startup Grants? In essence, a startup grant is a sum of money awarded to […]

Mastering Time Management: Boost Your Productivity and Improve Bad Time Management


Mastering Time Management: Boost Your Productivity and Improve Bad Time Management

Are you or your colleagues constantly struggling to complete tasks on time, feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, or finding it difficult to strike a balance between work and personal life? You might be facing the consequences of poor time management… Fear not, for in this guide, we’ll explore the signs of poor time management […]

How Businesses Can Champion Diversity All Year Round


How Businesses Can Champion Diversity All Year Round

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) isn’t a checkbox to tick once a year when Pride Month comes around. Although, Pride Month is a moment in time for us all to stop and talk about how firms can extend the rainbow to foster a more diverse and inclusive work environment, it should be continued throughout the […]

How Can Beauty Brands Improve Sustainability Efforts?


How Can Beauty Brands Improve Sustainability Efforts?

It’s no secret that humans’ failure to recycle plastic correctly is destroying our oceans and killing our sea life – with a report revealing that the global beauty industry alone produces 120 billion units of plastic waste each year. Plastic Free July should encourage this industry to make more environmentally friendly choices. So, how can beauty brands […]

Employee Appreciation Day Ideas 2024 – Celebrate Your Team’s Hard Work!


Employee Appreciation Day Ideas 2024 – Celebrate Your Team’s Hard Work!

Employee Appreciation Day is a special occasion to honour the hardworking individuals who contribute their time and efforts to make your company thrive. The unofficial holiday, celebrated on the first Friday in March (Which for 2024, is March 1st 2024), provides an great opportunity for employers to promote a positive work environment. While employees don’t […]

Psychological Safety in the Workplace: What Does It Mean?


Psychological Safety in the Workplace: What Does It Mean?

A new study from Vitality Health Insurance has revealed that 70% of Brits prioritise their physical health over their mental wellbeing, particularly in work environments. With many still believing that physical ailments are taken more seriously than mental health issues, this points to the wider issue of workplaces not considering their employee’s psychological safety within their company culture.  […]

Are Businesses Prepared for the Next Global Crisis?


Are Businesses Prepared for the Next Global Crisis?

After multiple interest rate hikes and global crisis in a short period of time, it’s difficult for businesses to keep up and adapt. But how difficult? New data from the intelligent planning technology Board International reveals that, despite nearly every global business executing some form of planning transformation attempt since 2020, 90% report it failing […]

How Many Shares Does a UK Company Have?


How Many Shares Does a UK Company Have?

When investing in a company, one of the essential aspects to consider is its shares. But what exactly are shares? In simple terms, shares represent ownership in a company. Each share equates to a small portion of that company. Understanding Shares and Their Types Now, let’s delve into the two main types of shares found […]

Strategy Consulting vs Management Consulting: Unraveling the Key Differences


Strategy Consulting vs Management Consulting: Unraveling the Key Differences

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the World of Consulting If you’ve ever wondered, “What is strategy consulting VS. management consulting?” this beginner’s guide will shed light on their differences, explore the concept of consulting, and understand the differences between the types. The consulting industry in the UK boasts a workforce of approximately 63,000 professionals, According […]

Unlocking Success: The Power of Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking


Unlocking Success: The Power of Entrepreneurial Risk-Taking

Introduction – Embracing the Adventure of Risk-Taking Taking risks in business can be your pathway to success. As an entrepreneur, you’ll find yourself at crossroads and with dilemmas, unsure of whether to play it safe or take big bold steps. In this article, we’ll explore some real world examples to show the benefits of risk-taking […]

A Guide to Embracing Digital Transformation


A Guide to Embracing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation must be embraced by every business for various reasons. These include to avoid falling behind competitors, to strengthen security and cut down on security breaches, and to remove the reliance on legacy software. A digital future requires digital transformation now, but where do you start? Here’s an explanation of what digital transformation is […]

Management vs Leadership Quotes: Unveiling the Essence of Effective Guidance


Management vs Leadership Quotes: Unveiling the Essence of Effective Guidance

Introducing the Art of Management and Leadership In the realm of business and beyond, management and leadership are two distinct yet interconnected facets. While management focuses on tasks and processes, leadership emphasises vision and inspiration. Let’s embark on a journey through the inspiring world of management vs. leadership quotes, where we uncover the essence of […]

How to Manage a Business Crisis


How to Manage a Business Crisis

Did you know that the UK is facing its longest recession on record? Data shows that, with this crisis looming, uncertainties about business safety are rife and industries such as real estate are being hit the hardest. A business crisis often occurs unexpectedly, throwing your business into turmoil. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot have […]

Tips for Businesses Struggling with Skills Shortages


Tips for Businesses Struggling with Skills Shortages

Unfortunately, the British economy has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels and the skills shortages remains a familiar problem for UK employers, particularly within transport and logistics, hospitality and manufacturing and construction industries. Impacting both productivity and profit, data reveals the reasons for this slow recovery are pandemic repercussions and tight post-Brexit immigration law. In […]

Where is the Refill Capital of the UK?


Where is the Refill Capital of the UK?

Global sustainability efforts are more important than ever as we continue to find solutions, such as investing in refillable packaging, to minimise our impact on the planet. Reusability has significantly influenced the purchasing habits of global consumers in recent years, with 43 percent of consumers declaring it important. However, 29 percent also reject the concept […]

How the 2023 Food Waste Legislation Will Impact Businesses


How the 2023 Food Waste Legislation Will Impact Businesses

Many businesses will be pausing to consider their environmental impact as the government announces mandatory separate food waste segregation for all businesses. The government passed the Environmental Act in 2021, which will come into effect later this year. Although an official date is yet to be revealed, businesses will be required to separate food waste […]

When Do You Know It’s Time for a Career Change?


When Do You Know It’s Time for a Career Change?

While career changes have become more common in recent years, taking this leap is still a daunting prospect – especially if you’re entering a new field of work or diverging from your acquired degree. The hesitance that comes with leaving your job can be evidenced in the rise of workplace trends, including ‘quiet-quitting’ and more […]

Tips for Navigating Conversations About Pay in the Workplace


Tips for Navigating Conversations About Pay in the Workplace

When it comes to your career, knowing how to ask your supervisor for a raise is an important but challenging task. Breaking the taboo associated with conversations about pay is crucial to progress! Research from a YouGov poll found that a higher proportion of women (60%) have never asked for a pay rise, compared to […]

What is the Most Popular Time to Start a Business?


What is the Most Popular Time to Start a Business?

The study by UK financial services provider CMC Markets analysed the latest ONS data on weekly company incorporations to determine the best time to start a business. It found that from Saturday 4th June to Friday 10th June 2022, 18,386 new businesses were created at Companies House. This was the fifth highest number of new […]

5 Ways to Motivate Remote Workers


5 Ways to Motivate Remote Workers

It’s no secret that remote working has become widespread in the UK since the global pandemic. In fact, 16% of employees reported solely working from home between September 2020 and January 2023.   The harmful misconception surrounding remote working is that employees are less productive while working outside the office has led to many companies using […]

Is International Expansion Unachievable for Business Nowadays?


Is International Expansion Unachievable for Business Nowadays?

According to new research from HedgeFlows, a leading fintech platform, of 500 UK SME owners, nearly three quarters of UK SMEs (70%) have abandoned plans for international expansion due to sky-high trading costs. The survey was conducted by independent polling agency Censuswide in April 2023 and the research quizzed industry chiefs about their plans for expansion, […]

What Industries Have Seen the Smallest Increase in Wages?


What Industries Have Seen the Smallest Increase in Wages?

New research conducted by UK trading platform CMC Markets reveals the UK industries that have had the smallest increase in wages. By analysing the latest release from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and featuring results from ONS’ Wages and Salaries Survey since January 2000, the Financial & Insurance Activities industry is top of the […]

Top 3 Signs to Spot Toxic Workplace Environments


Top 3 Signs to Spot Toxic Workplace Environments

Following the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, over reports of bullying allegations in early 2023, there has been a rise in the number of public documents reporting toxic work cultures. New research from Gleeson Recruitment Group shows that over one in ten UK workers have a toxic relationship with their peers and managers. An astonishing 93% […]

The Impact of Finance Concerns on Mental Health of Small Business Owners


The Impact of Finance Concerns on Mental Health of Small Business Owners

A new survey conducted by Purbeck Personal Guarantee Insurance, the provider of personal guarantee insurance to small business owners, to mark Mental Health Awareness Week, 15-21 May 2023 has uncovered the emotional cost of being your own boss during the cost of living crisis. The owners of smaller businesses which took part in the survey employ 2 to 10 […]

5 Expert Ways to Avoid Workplace Burnout


5 Expert Ways to Avoid Workplace Burnout

According to a recent study, 76% of employees reported moderate to high levels of stress at work and one in 14 UK adults feel stressed every single day. With the most common cause of stress being work-related, it’s important to take action by making sure your team are clued up on how to prevent feeling strained […]

What Industries Have Seen the Biggest Increase in Wages?


What Industries Have Seen the Biggest Increase in Wages?

New research conducted by UK trading platform CMC Markets reveals the UK industries that have had the biggest increase in wages. By analysing the latest release from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and featuring results from ONS’ Wages and Salaries Survey since January 2000, the Mining and Quarrying industry is top of the table. […]

Difference Between Trade Associations & Chambers of Commerce


Difference Between Trade Associations & Chambers of Commerce

Trade Associations and Chambers of Commerce are different types of organisations that often get confused with each other. While they are both focused on promoting the interests of business, there are key differences that set them apart. Trade Associations vs. Chambers of Commerce What Are Trade Associations? Trade Associations are groups of businesses that work […]

The Impact of Public Holidays on Businesses


The Impact of Public Holidays on Businesses

Obviously, every business is different, but public holidays generally impact companies in one way or another. There are both positive and negative effects which depend on the industry and nature of the business, but in this article, we will discuss the overall affects these days have on businesses. How Do Public Holidays Affect Businesses? Reduced […]

Best Strategies for Dealing with Failure


Best Strategies for Dealing with Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of life, and it’s something that we all experience at some point. However, how we deal with failure can make all the difference in our ability to learn, grow and ultimately succeed. Here are some of the best strategies for dealing with failure: How to Deal with Failure Reframe Your […]

How to Identify a Quality Candidate During an Interview


How to Identify a Quality Candidate During an Interview

In order to identify a quality candidate, a thorough evaluation of their skills, experience, and personal qualities is required. Here are some key factors to consider and important questions to ask during an interview. Relevant Skills & Experience A quality candidate should have the necessary skills and experience to perform the job duties effectively. Look […]

How to Continue Developing in Your Career


How to Continue Developing in Your Career

Every day is a school day – even when we’re adults. We never stop learning and we never should stop learning if we want to progress in both our career and daily lives. It seems that professional development is growing in popularity. Sales for Publisher Pearson increased 12% to £3,841m during the year of 2022 […]

How to Identify Leadership Potential Within Your Team


How to Identify Leadership Potential Within Your Team

Identifying leadership potential within your team is crucial to the success of any organisation. Leaders play a key role in shaping the culture, driving innovation, and ensuring that the team is working towards common goals. However, identifying leadership potential can be a challenging task. Here are some tips to help you identify and nurture leadership […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Social Media Metrics


A Comprehensive Guide to Social Media Metrics

Are you using all of the social media platforms to boost your business? Are you thinking about starting to use them but don’t know where to start? With so many different platforms and then so many social media metrics to measure on top of this, we understand how overwhelming it can be. At Chamber of […]

Why Competitor Analysis is Important for Any Business


Why Competitor Analysis is Important for Any Business

A competitor analysis is a comparison between your business and other businesses within your industry that you regard as a competitor. This may be businesses that are within your local area, offering similar services/products to your business, targeting a similar audience, etc. For any business, it’s important to remember that you are not the only […]

What is the Long-Term Impact of Rising Rent Costs for Business in the UK?


What is the Long-Term Impact of Rising Rent Costs for Business in the UK?

It’s no secret that the cost of living is increasingly on the rise; this is not only affecting basics like food and utilities but is now bleeding into property. As the cost of rent continues to rise with a 13% increase in 2023, many are beginning to wonder how this affects their business and what […]

The Impact of Brexit on Businesses & UK Economy


The Impact of Brexit on Businesses & UK Economy

Every industry is going to be impacted by Brexit at some point, purely due to economic fluctuations. From reduced investment to manpower issues and skilled worker shortages, it’s safe to say that the impact of Brexit on small businesses is huge. That being said, Brexit opportunities are not to be overlooked, especially when you look […]

Rising Interest Rates: How Are They Affecting Businesses?


Rising Interest Rates: How Are They Affecting Businesses?

Right now, the UK is going through a cost of living crisis. Inflation is the highest it’s been in 40 years and the Bank of England are rapidly trying to take steps to combat this. If you want to find out more about rising interest rates and how they could impact your business then take […]

Importance of Cyber Security for Businesses


Importance of Cyber Security for Businesses

Cyber security is an increasingly important concern for businesses in today’s digital age, especially seeing cyber attacks happen so recently to large corporations. It refers to the practices and technologies used to protect computer systems, networks, and sensitive data from unauthorised access, theft, and damage. Cyber security is important for all types of businesses, regardless […]

How Are the Train Strikes Affecting UK Businesses?


How Are the Train Strikes Affecting UK Businesses?

The UK transport industry has been plagued with periodic strikes since Autumn 2022 and, with more planned, many businesses are wondering how this will affect them. The strikes are no doubt having a financial impact on businesses due to both the loss in productivity as employees are unable to get to work and the fact […]

What is the Future of the Office Working Week?


What is the Future of the Office Working Week?

The 4-day working week, flexible working and remote working have been hot topics of discussion ever since the pandemic. The adaptability of businesses and the way they can work has definitely been tested, so what does the future look like for office working? Government Proposes Flexible Working from Day One Not only have businesses had […]

Self-Assessment Tax Returns: What You Need to Know


Self-Assessment Tax Returns: What You Need to Know

With the January 31st Deadline swiftly approaching, it’s essential that you are prepared to file your self-assessment tax returns and pay the appropriate taxes. While this may seem complicated or overwhelming, the sooner you complete your returns, the better. Furthermore, filing your tax return can also make you more aware of the ways you may […]

How to Make Your Business Greener in 2023


How to Make Your Business Greener in 2023

As a business owner, you are responsible for the impact your company has on the environment. As such, making sustainable business changes should be a significant focus within your operations moving forward, regardless of which industry you operate within. This is due to the simple fact that experts agree significant changes must be introduced sooner […]

What Financing Options Are Available for Small Business in 2023?


What Financing Options Are Available for Small Business in 2023?

Every small business across the country has faced unprecedented finance challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, many have experienced a loss in custom alongside rising monthly expenses. As such, it’s hardly surprising that a recent study found that “small and medium-sized enterprises are now collectively carrying around £36 billion more in […]

What is Supporting Small Business Relief?


What is Supporting Small Business Relief?

The Autumn Statement promised up to £7 billion worth of support to businesses seeing a rise in their business rates as the cost of living increases. The supporting small business relief scheme helps eligible SMEs adjust to rising rates by capping the increase in bills to £600 for the next financial year. This article will […]

Business Investments You Should Make in 2023


Business Investments You Should Make in 2023

There is little doubt that small businesses have been among the entities hit the hardest by the challenges of the past two years and today’s raging inflation. But as the economy continues to bounce back and consumers focus more on supporting their community, UK enterprises face a unique opportunity for growth and business investments. Nonetheless, […]

What is Digital PR & How Does it Work?


What is Digital PR & How Does it Work?

Running PR campaigns has been a staple marketing activity for decades. Businesses looking to create awareness of their products and services have used it successfully alongside direct-to-consumer marketing. However, as publications reduce their print runs and many become ‘online-only’, is it time to turn to look further afield? And, most importantly, what exactly is Digital […]

Optimise Your B2B Video Marketing Efforts


Optimise Your B2B Video Marketing Efforts

The most effective way to succeed in business today is through video marketing. This is because videos have a higher conversion rate than any other medium, meaning that they’re incredibly effective in converting viewers into customers. It is a great way to reach potential customers and make them aware of our brand. It can also […]

How to Be More Involved with Your Chamber of Commerce


How to Be More Involved with Your Chamber of Commerce

2022 has been busy for business and, as pressure begins to pile on, it’s easy to forget the support available to use. It’s usually this time of year that many of us are beginning to review costs whilst creating the 2023 budget, so it’s no surprise that you’re second guessing some of the memberships you’ve […]

Is Joining Your Chamber of Commerce an Outdated Strategy?


Is Joining Your Chamber of Commerce an Outdated Strategy?

When you hear “Chamber of Commerce”, you might think of an old organisation that has been operating for years and hasn’t kept up with the modern times. Of course, they are a traditional method of networking, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are irrelevant. Each Chamber is different, so it’s important to take a closer […]

How to Review Your Current Marketing Strategy for the New Year


How to Review Your Current Marketing Strategy for the New Year

At the Chamber of Business, we’re always looking for ways to empower business owners with useful content. As such, today’s post will be on a topic we often get asked about. How do you plan a marketing strategy for the new year? It’s a question that’s always on your mind as one year ends and […]

Digital Marketing Trends in 2023 to Prepare For


Digital Marketing Trends in 2023 to Prepare For

2023 is fast approaching, meaning your business should prepare for what’s to come. From a marketing perspective, expect to see a whole host of digital trends that will be massive in the coming months. What is the next digital marketing trend and what digital marketing strategies will be the most effective in 2023? Check out […]