Business Development

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Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees


Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees

Employee retention is a top priority for businesses to maintain a stable and productive workforce. Unfortunately, many companies are making mistakes and aren’t necessarily aware of what really motivates employees, in order to have an effective retention strategy. A recent survey conducted by talent acquisition specialists Talos 360 sheds light on the most impactful retention tactics that […]

How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?


How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?

According to new statistics, two in five UK employees are changing jobs before the end of the year, some being coined as ‘loud quitters’, with the demand for hybrid roles being a key driving force in their desire to move. The concept of ‘Job Hopping’ – in which young workers rapidly move from post to post to improve pay […]

Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?


Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?

When it comes to a productive business, happy and healthy employees are essential. Whether it is physical safety or mental wellbeing, maintaining a good working environment is the responsibility of any business and this includes putting mental health days into place. With Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May, looking into your business’ wellbeing strategies is crucial […]

Chamber of Commerce

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What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?


What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?

Are you taking advantage of the Chamber of Commerce? It plays a significant role in the economic development, connecting businesses, government and communities. If you weren’t aware of the part it plays, we’re going to take a closer look in this article. How Does the Chamber of Commerce Drive Economic Development? The Chamber of Commerce […]

Difference Between Trade Associations & Chambers of Commerce


Difference Between Trade Associations & Chambers of Commerce

Trade Associations and Chambers of Commerce are different types of organisations that often get confused with each other. While they are both focused on promoting the interests of business, there are key differences that set them apart. Trade Associations vs. Chambers of Commerce What Are Trade Associations? Trade Associations are groups of businesses that work […]

How to Be More Involved with Your Chamber of Commerce


How to Be More Involved with Your Chamber of Commerce

2022 has been busy for business and, as pressure begins to pile on, it’s easy to forget the support available to use. It’s usually this time of year that many of us are beginning to review costs whilst creating the 2023 budget, so it’s no surprise that you’re second guessing some of the memberships you’ve […]

Charity, CSR & Community

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The Consequence of Not Being Socially Responsible


The Consequence of Not Being Socially Responsible

Integrating ethical and sustainable practices into your business operations – and, more importantly, embracing them – are at the very least expected by both consumers and employees. By not fulfilling these expectations, businesses risk a variety of negative consequences. Repercussions of Not Being Socially Responsible Damaging the Reputation You’ve Built Transparency is paramount amongst businesses […]

How Can You Turn Corporate Social Responsibility into a Priority in Your Business or Organisation?


How Can You Turn Corporate Social Responsibility into a Priority in Your Business or Organisation?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the impact a company contributes to society and environmental causes. Examples of socially responsible actions include volunteering, making sustainable choices for the environment, engaging in ethical labour practices and charity work. A 2023 study found that 88% of millennials value CSR when choosing their jobs, and that their chosen company […]

Effective Ways the Travel Industry Can Reduce Waste


Effective Ways the Travel Industry Can Reduce Waste

The travel industry is one of the largest contributors to waste globally, with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) estimating that around 1.3 billion tonnes of waste is produced by tourists alone. With the global industry forecast to hit a staggering estimate of around £770 billion in revenue, an emphasis needs to be placed on businesses to reduce […]

Finance & Investment

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What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?


What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?

Are you taking advantage of the Chamber of Commerce? It plays a significant role in the economic development, connecting businesses, government and communities. If you weren’t aware of the part it plays, we’re going to take a closer look in this article. How Does the Chamber of Commerce Drive Economic Development? The Chamber of Commerce […]

What Are the Advantages of Being a Sole Trader?


What Are the Advantages of Being a Sole Trader?

In the UK, the two most common options are; becoming a sole trader or forming a limited company. While both have their merits, let’s delve into the advantages and disadvantages of being a sole trader, to help you make an informed decision. Sole Trader Advantages Simplicity and Control As a sole trader, you have complete […]

UK Business Startup Grants: Your Guide to Funding Success


UK Business Startup Grants: Your Guide to Funding Success

One of the most significant challenges startups face is securing funding. Thankfully, the UK government and various organisations offer grants to help budding entrepreneurs. Let’s dive into the world of UK business startup grants and explore your options. What are Business Startup Grants? In essence, a startup grant is a sum of money awarded to […]

Health & Wellbeing

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Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?


Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?

When it comes to a productive business, happy and healthy employees are essential. Whether it is physical safety or mental wellbeing, maintaining a good working environment is the responsibility of any business and this includes putting mental health days into place. With Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May, looking into your business’ wellbeing strategies is crucial […]

Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated


Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated

As a flexible way for employees to carry out duties, working from home has become a staple work offering within the modern workplace and has seen a significant shift in application across businesses worldwide. Spearheaded by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and paired with the increased availability of video and instant messaging platforms such […]

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly


How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly Creating an inclusive workplace that values neurodiversity not only benefits individual employees, but also promotes a culture of acceptance and diversity within the organisation. There are many benefits to hiring neurodivergent candidates, for example, candidates with autistic traits can excel in specialist subjects, bring creativity to problem-solving, […]

HR & Recruitment

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How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?


How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?

According to new statistics, two in five UK employees are changing jobs before the end of the year, some being coined as ‘loud quitters’, with the demand for hybrid roles being a key driving force in their desire to move. The concept of ‘Job Hopping’ – in which young workers rapidly move from post to post to improve pay […]

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly


How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly

How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent Friendly Creating an inclusive workplace that values neurodiversity not only benefits individual employees, but also promotes a culture of acceptance and diversity within the organisation. There are many benefits to hiring neurodivergent candidates, for example, candidates with autistic traits can excel in specialist subjects, bring creativity to problem-solving, […]

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 


Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 

The importance of hard skills vs soft skills is an ongoing debate, even though they are both crucial capabilities an employee should hold. How do you determine which holds more weight?  Let’s take a closer look at the difference between both skillsets and which are more important in the workplace.  What Are Hard Skills?  Indeed […]


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Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees


Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees

Employee retention is a top priority for businesses to maintain a stable and productive workforce. Unfortunately, many companies are making mistakes and aren’t necessarily aware of what really motivates employees, in order to have an effective retention strategy. A recent survey conducted by talent acquisition specialists Talos 360 sheds light on the most impactful retention tactics that […]

Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated


Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated

As a flexible way for employees to carry out duties, working from home has become a staple work offering within the modern workplace and has seen a significant shift in application across businesses worldwide. Spearheaded by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and paired with the increased availability of video and instant messaging platforms such […]

What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One


What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One

An exit strategy is something that shouldn’t be overlooked by any business owner or entrepreneur. When starting a new venture, it might not be the first thing on the to-do list, but a well-defined plan is essential for many reasons. Here’s what an exit strategy entails and why every business – regardless of size or […]

Marketing & PR

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How To Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business


How To Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Business

Email marketing in its simplest terms is marketing that can be delivered via email. It is a popular, high-reach, versatile, and customisable tool that companies can take advantage of as a catalyst in delivering a variety of marketing content to specific users and potential customers. In a HubSpot study, email marketing is used by 31% […]

How To Write A Blog In 5 Steps


How To Write A Blog In 5 Steps

Blogging enables you to share ideas and connect with audiences you may never have thought was possible. Although blogging is a powerful tool, in order to yield the results you want, it’s essential you create a strategy so your target audience is captivated and your message is conveyed in the way you want it to […]

How Often Should My Business Post Blogs?


How Often Should My Business Post Blogs?

As digital marketing becomes the new normal, keeping up with a consistent, engaging online presence is key when sustaining or growing your business. One of the most frequented methods of digital marketing is blogging. However, the question often asked is how often should my business post blogs? And how do I write a blog? This […]

Professional Development

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How to Future-Proof Your Career


How to Future-Proof Your Career

Having a stable career and path can help alleviate stress, improve happiness, and give you a goal to drive towards. With 74% of UK workers worried about their financial situation, having a career plan you can trust can help improve your confidence and ultimately future-proof your career path. Future-proofing your career doesn’t have to be a difficult […]

Why is Time Management So Important?


Why is Time Management So Important?

Time management is a great skill to have, not only in your professional life but in your personal life too! As we all know, maintaining healthy work-life balance is incredibly important so effective time management is a useful tool to help achieve this. By overcoming distractions that demand our attention and efficiently organising our tasks, […]

Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success


Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success

In today’s working environment, we operate in hierarchies of teams and leaders. Navigating the complexities within these dynamics can quite simply make or break your business. This article will explore the importance of both teamwork and leadership skills and their role in determining business success. Leadership Skills Confidence Firstly, a good leader must be recognised […]

Startups & SMEs

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Business Start-up Anxiety – Overcoming Entrepreneur Fear


Business Start-up Anxiety – Overcoming Entrepreneur Fear

For most entrepreneurs, starting their own business is the main aim. But quickly, business start-up anxiety and self-doubt can set in and stop them from acting and putting plans in place. Entrepreneurial fear can hinder those wanting to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Facing anxiety head-on and finding new coping methods will […]

How a Business Acquisition Can Provide Quick Growth Opportunities


How a Business Acquisition Can Provide Quick Growth Opportunities

In today’s difficult economic landscape, many small businesses are struggling to keep their heads above water. Even those in a more comfortable position haven’t found themselves unscathed either. Research compiled by Enterprise Nation found that UK companies are delaying their plans for growth while the economic future remains so uncertain. Their findings showed that there had been […]

What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One


What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One

An exit strategy is something that shouldn’t be overlooked by any business owner or entrepreneur. When starting a new venture, it might not be the first thing on the to-do list, but a well-defined plan is essential for many reasons. Here’s what an exit strategy entails and why every business – regardless of size or […]