How to Future-Proof Your Career


How to Future-Proof Your Career

Having a stable career and path can help alleviate stress, improve happiness, and give you a goal to drive towards. With 74% of UK workers worried about their financial situation, having a career plan you can trust can help improve your confidence and ultimately future-proof your career path. Future-proofing your career doesn’t have to be a difficult […]

Why is Time Management So Important?


Why is Time Management So Important?

Time management is a great skill to have, not only in your professional life but in your personal life too! As we all know, maintaining healthy work-life balance is incredibly important so effective time management is a useful tool to help achieve this. By overcoming distractions that demand our attention and efficiently organising our tasks, […]

Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success


Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success

In today’s working environment, we operate in hierarchies of teams and leaders. Navigating the complexities within these dynamics can quite simply make or break your business. This article will explore the importance of both teamwork and leadership skills and their role in determining business success. Leadership Skills Confidence Firstly, a good leader must be recognised […]

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 


Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 

The importance of hard skills vs soft skills is an ongoing debate, even though they are both crucial capabilities an employee should hold. How do you determine which holds more weight?  Let’s take a closer look at the difference between both skillsets and which are more important in the workplace.  What Are Hard Skills?  Indeed […]

Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 


Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 

Recruitment and learning with AI has reframed business processes, with apprenticeships providing a great solution for both; recruiting fresh new talent, and upskilling existing employees to close the digital skills gap in the workplace today. How we work with technology will improve our work experience, eradicating the boredom of daily tasks so we can focus […]

Dealing With Job Interview Rejection


Dealing With Job Interview Rejection

Job interviews are seen as opportunities to showcase your skills, experiences and passions for a role which could ultimately lead to a new career path and exciting future. However, they also come with the possibility of job rejection. Facing job interview rejection can be disheartening and shake your confidence. It’s important to remember that job […]

4 Obstacles to Overcome to Create a Learning Culture in the Workplace


4 Obstacles to Overcome to Create a Learning Culture in the Workplace

Embracing a learning culture in the workplace is a great way to help your business and people thrive. When companies get this right, it is estimated they are 92% more likely to be innovative and 37% more productive. That said, there is no hiding that implementing organisational change by bringing in a learning culture can come […]

Employees prioritise working for ethical businesses over higher salaries


Employees prioritise working for ethical businesses over higher salaries

New research reveals that money isn’t always the biggest motivator when it comes to people looking for their dream jobs, with nearly half of adults (46%) saying that working for an ethical business is more important to them than getting a higher salary. Surprisingly, nearly half of the adult population (46%) place a greater importance […]

Why the Term “Imposter Syndrome” Should Be Banned


Why the Term “Imposter Syndrome” Should Be Banned

New survey data from music licensing company PPL PRS reveals that, although the majority of UK workers are confident at work, they still get the wobbles sometimes. 49% UK workers shared that they suffer from low confidence during performance reviews, even though 71% of those respondents feel confident other times. This PPL PRS survey asked 1000 UK […]