How to Respond to Negative Social Media Reviews

How to Respond to Negative Social Media Reviews

It’s sometimes said that any publicity is good publicity, but it doesn’t feel so good when you’re receiving negative social media reviews. Not only can you feel like you’re not providing the level of service you thought you were, but you’re receiving those reviews on a public platform that everyone can see.

The effects of negative comments on social media can be significant and long-lasting, but your approach might make all the difference. If you’re unsure how to respond to negative social media reviews, you might find some helpful tips below.

Responding on Different Platforms

Seeing negative comments and reviews left on different social media platforms can leave you and your team feeling stressed. According to an American Express study, 35% of US customers post negative comments about companies on social media.

Your approach to negative comments might depend on the platform. For example, Facebook offers you the option to respond to comments with a private message, allowing you to address the problem instantly. On Instagram, you might also be able to send direct messages.

There are many examples of companies responding to negative comments on social media simply by replying to each comment for everyone to see the response.

Managing Social Media Reviews

You don’t have to look far to see examples of negative comments on social media, but there might come a time when an unhappy customer decides to leave a review on your business page, sharing their disappointment or dissatisfaction.

While this is disheartening, and no matter how tempting it can be to delete negative reviews and comments, they offer you an opportunity to learn and grow. No matter what the review says, you might be able to manage the situation by responding as quickly as possible, acknowledging their frustration, and apologizing for their experience.

You might then offer them an opportunity to discuss their complaint further by providing your contact information. This way, you can remove the discussion from the view of other social media users and keep your reputation intact.

Responding to Photo Comments

You’re well within your rights to hit the ‘delete’ button when someone posts an off-topic or profanity-filled comment on a photo you’ve posted on your business social media page.

However, if a customer posts a legitimate critique to a photo based on their experiences, it’s a good idea to address it quickly.

Give your name, be sincere in your response, and make yourself available to them for further offline communications. Refrain from arguing, deleting the comment, or ignoring it.

Managing Post and Status Comments

Seeing negative comments on your statuses and posts can often be as heartbreaking as reviews and comments on photos. However, the larger your business is and the more followers and engagement it has, the more negative comments you might receive.

Fortunately, studies have shown that the more social media experience you gain, the more positively you learn to react to negative customer comments. Respond as you would to photo comments and social media reviews – with kindness, professionalism, and the option to have further contact with them.

Acknowledge their experience, make yourself available to assist them as the leader of your business, and even consider discounts and refunds if it would help solve the issues they’ve been having.

How you respond to negative social media reviews can have a huge impact on your business reputation. Keep this advice in mind the next time you come across a negative comment, and your business will thank you for it.