How Businesses Can Champion Diversity All Year Round


How Businesses Can Champion Diversity All Year Round

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) isn’t a checkbox to tick once a year when Pride Month comes around. Although, Pride Month is a moment in time for us all to stop and talk about how firms can extend the rainbow to foster a more diverse and inclusive work environment, it should be continued throughout the […]

Psychological Safety in the Workplace: What Does It Mean?


Psychological Safety in the Workplace: What Does It Mean?

A new study from Vitality Health Insurance has revealed that 70% of Brits prioritise their physical health over their mental wellbeing, particularly in work environments. With many still believing that physical ailments are taken more seriously than mental health issues, this points to the wider issue of workplaces not considering their employee’s psychological safety within their company culture.  […]

A Guide to Embracing Digital Transformation


A Guide to Embracing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation must be embraced by every business for various reasons. These include to avoid falling behind competitors, to strengthen security and cut down on security breaches, and to remove the reliance on legacy software. A digital future requires digital transformation now, but where do you start? Here’s an explanation of what digital transformation is […]

Tips for Businesses Struggling with Skills Shortages


Tips for Businesses Struggling with Skills Shortages

Unfortunately, the British economy has not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels and the skills shortages remains a familiar problem for UK employers, particularly within transport and logistics, hospitality and manufacturing and construction industries. Impacting both productivity and profit, data reveals the reasons for this slow recovery are pandemic repercussions and tight post-Brexit immigration law. In […]

How the 2023 Food Waste Legislation Will Impact Businesses


How the 2023 Food Waste Legislation Will Impact Businesses

Many businesses will be pausing to consider their environmental impact as the government announces mandatory separate food waste segregation for all businesses. The government passed the Environmental Act in 2021, which will come into effect later this year. Although an official date is yet to be revealed, businesses will be required to separate food waste […]

Tips for Navigating Conversations About Pay in the Workplace


Tips for Navigating Conversations About Pay in the Workplace

When it comes to your career, knowing how to ask your supervisor for a raise is an important but challenging task. Breaking the taboo associated with conversations about pay is crucial to progress! Research from a YouGov poll found that a higher proportion of women (60%) have never asked for a pay rise, compared to […]

5 Ways to Motivate Remote Workers


5 Ways to Motivate Remote Workers

It’s no secret that remote working has become widespread in the UK since the global pandemic. In fact, 16% of employees reported solely working from home between September 2020 and January 2023.   The harmful misconception surrounding remote working is that employees are less productive while working outside the office has led to many companies using […]

What Industries Have Seen the Smallest Increase in Wages?


What Industries Have Seen the Smallest Increase in Wages?

New research conducted by UK trading platform CMC Markets reveals the UK industries that have had the smallest increase in wages. By analysing the latest release from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and featuring results from ONS’ Wages and Salaries Survey since January 2000, the Financial & Insurance Activities industry is top of the […]

Top 3 Signs to Spot Toxic Workplace Environments


Top 3 Signs to Spot Toxic Workplace Environments

Following the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister, Dominic Raab, over reports of bullying allegations in early 2023, there has been a rise in the number of public documents reporting toxic work cultures. New research from Gleeson Recruitment Group shows that over one in ten UK workers have a toxic relationship with their peers and managers. An astonishing 93% […]

5 Expert Ways to Avoid Workplace Burnout


5 Expert Ways to Avoid Workplace Burnout

According to a recent study, 76% of employees reported moderate to high levels of stress at work and one in 14 UK adults feel stressed every single day. With the most common cause of stress being work-related, it’s important to take action by making sure your team are clued up on how to prevent feeling strained […]

What Industries Have Seen the Biggest Increase in Wages?


What Industries Have Seen the Biggest Increase in Wages?

New research conducted by UK trading platform CMC Markets reveals the UK industries that have had the biggest increase in wages. By analysing the latest release from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and featuring results from ONS’ Wages and Salaries Survey since January 2000, the Mining and Quarrying industry is top of the table. […]

The Impact of Public Holidays on Businesses


The Impact of Public Holidays on Businesses

Obviously, every business is different, but public holidays generally impact companies in one way or another. There are both positive and negative effects which depend on the industry and nature of the business, but in this article, we will discuss the overall affects these days have on businesses. How Do Public Holidays Affect Businesses? Reduced […]

How to Identify a Quality Candidate During an Interview


How to Identify a Quality Candidate During an Interview

In order to identify a quality candidate, a thorough evaluation of their skills, experience, and personal qualities is required. Here are some key factors to consider and important questions to ask during an interview. Relevant Skills & Experience A quality candidate should have the necessary skills and experience to perform the job duties effectively. Look […]

How to Continue Developing in Your Career


How to Continue Developing in Your Career

Every day is a school day – even when we’re adults. We never stop learning and we never should stop learning if we want to progress in both our career and daily lives. It seems that professional development is growing in popularity. Sales for Publisher Pearson increased 12% to £3,841m during the year of 2022 […]

Why Competitor Analysis is Important for Any Business


Why Competitor Analysis is Important for Any Business

A competitor analysis is a comparison between your business and other businesses within your industry that you regard as a competitor. This may be businesses that are within your local area, offering similar services/products to your business, targeting a similar audience, etc. For any business, it’s important to remember that you are not the only […]

The Impact of Brexit on Businesses & UK Economy


The Impact of Brexit on Businesses & UK Economy

Every industry is going to be impacted by Brexit at some point, purely due to economic fluctuations. From reduced investment to manpower issues and skilled worker shortages, it’s safe to say that the impact of Brexit on small businesses is huge. That being said, Brexit opportunities are not to be overlooked, especially when you look […]

How Are the Train Strikes Affecting UK Businesses?


How Are the Train Strikes Affecting UK Businesses?

The UK transport industry has been plagued with periodic strikes since Autumn 2022 and, with more planned, many businesses are wondering how this will affect them. The strikes are no doubt having a financial impact on businesses due to both the loss in productivity as employees are unable to get to work and the fact […]

Self-Assessment Tax Returns: What You Need to Know


Self-Assessment Tax Returns: What You Need to Know

With the January 31st Deadline swiftly approaching, it’s essential that you are prepared to file your self-assessment tax returns and pay the appropriate taxes. While this may seem complicated or overwhelming, the sooner you complete your returns, the better. Furthermore, filing your tax return can also make you more aware of the ways you may […]

How to Make Your Business Greener in 2023


How to Make Your Business Greener in 2023

As a business owner, you are responsible for the impact your company has on the environment. As such, making sustainable business changes should be a significant focus within your operations moving forward, regardless of which industry you operate within. This is due to the simple fact that experts agree significant changes must be introduced sooner […]

What Financing Options Are Available for Small Business in 2023?


What Financing Options Are Available for Small Business in 2023?

Every small business across the country has faced unprecedented finance challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, many have experienced a loss in custom alongside rising monthly expenses. As such, it’s hardly surprising that a recent study found that “small and medium-sized enterprises are now collectively carrying around £36 billion more in […]

Business Investments You Should Make in 2023


Business Investments You Should Make in 2023

There is little doubt that small businesses have been among the entities hit the hardest by the challenges of the past two years and today’s raging inflation. But as the economy continues to bounce back and consumers focus more on supporting their community, UK enterprises face a unique opportunity for growth and business investments. Nonetheless, […]

What is Digital PR & How Does it Work?


What is Digital PR & How Does it Work?

Running PR campaigns has been a staple marketing activity for decades. Businesses looking to create awareness of their products and services have used it successfully alongside direct-to-consumer marketing. However, as publications reduce their print runs and many become ‘online-only’, is it time to turn to look further afield? And, most importantly, what exactly is Digital […]

How to Be More Involved with Your Chamber of Commerce


How to Be More Involved with Your Chamber of Commerce

2022 has been busy for business and, as pressure begins to pile on, it’s easy to forget the support available to use. It’s usually this time of year that many of us are beginning to review costs whilst creating the 2023 budget, so it’s no surprise that you’re second guessing some of the memberships you’ve […]

Is Joining Your Chamber of Commerce an Outdated Strategy?


Is Joining Your Chamber of Commerce an Outdated Strategy?

When you hear “Chamber of Commerce”, you might think of an old organisation that has been operating for years and hasn’t kept up with the modern times. Of course, they are a traditional method of networking, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are irrelevant. Each Chamber is different, so it’s important to take a closer […]

Digital Marketing Trends in 2023 to Prepare For


Digital Marketing Trends in 2023 to Prepare For

2023 is fast approaching, meaning your business should prepare for what’s to come. From a marketing perspective, expect to see a whole host of digital trends that will be massive in the coming months. What is the next digital marketing trend and what digital marketing strategies will be the most effective in 2023? Check out […]

How is Working from Home Improving Employee Retention & Mental Health?


How is Working from Home Improving Employee Retention & Mental Health?

Working from home is becoming more of the norm both in the UK and around the world. The upside is that many employees are benefiting from a boost in their mental health because of it. According to a poll conducted by the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) in 2020, it discovered that more UK-based […]

Is a 4-Day Working Week the Future?


Is a 4-Day Working Week the Future?

Starting in June 2022, the UK has launched a trial 4-day working week where thousands of people are taking part. Since the pandemic, flexible working has been implemented across the majority of businesses, and this shift could move even further forward to executing a 4-day working week. As the world’s biggest trial of a 4-day […]

UK Hire Rate Slows Down as Cost of Living Intensifies – Here’s How to Beat It


UK Hire Rate Slows Down as Cost of Living Intensifies – Here’s How to Beat It

A recent report shows that the UK hire rate has slowed considerably compared to the rate immediately after the pandemic. Whilst the government initially predicted higher unemployment rates, it appeared to be the opposite case as we left multiple lockdowns. However, 18 months after the last lockdown, inflation is increasing at a rate we haven’t […]

What Do the Escalating Energy Prices Mean for UK Businesses?


What Do the Escalating Energy Prices Mean for UK Businesses?

In the last few months, the rising energy prices have dominated the news and have caused panic across every household in the UK. Referred to as a global energy crisis, there are a number of reasons behind these escalating costs including lower renewable energy generation, low gas reserves, and damage to a major electricity import. […]

How To Accurately Measure Customer Satisfaction Without Surveys


How To Accurately Measure Customer Satisfaction Without Surveys

Brands with high levels of customer satisfaction invariably perform better in the long run. Did you know that 89 percent of customers are more likely to buy from you again after a positive customer service experience? Traditionally, companies measure customer satisfaction with surveys. After all, what better way to find out what your audience thinks […]