NHS Sick Days: Mental Health Responsible for a Quarter of Staff Absences


NHS Sick Days: Mental Health Responsible for a Quarter of Staff Absences

The NHS’ median absences for mental health leave has increased an estimated 68% over the last five years. That’s according to Digital PR Agency, Reboot Online, who analysed over 1.7 million absent records for over 500,000 NHS staff to determine the number of NHS sick days related to mental health. To determine the effect of mental […]

Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees


Employee Retention Mistakes: Data-Backed Ways to Keep Your Employees

Employee retention is a top priority for businesses to maintain a stable and productive workforce. Unfortunately, many companies are making mistakes and aren’t necessarily aware of what really motivates employees, in order to have an effective retention strategy. A recent survey conducted by talent acquisition specialists Talos 360 sheds light on the most impactful retention tactics that […]

How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?


How Can Businesses Deal With So-Called ‘Loud Quitters’ & ‘Rage Applying’?

According to new statistics, two in five UK employees are changing jobs before the end of the year, some being coined as ‘loud quitters’, with the demand for hybrid roles being a key driving force in their desire to move. The concept of ‘Job Hopping’ – in which young workers rapidly move from post to post to improve pay […]

Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?


Could Introducing Mental Health Days Help Your Business Support Employee Wellbeing?

When it comes to a productive business, happy and healthy employees are essential. Whether it is physical safety or mental wellbeing, maintaining a good working environment is the responsibility of any business and this includes putting mental health days into place. With Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May, looking into your business’ wellbeing strategies is crucial […]

How to Future-Proof Your Career


How to Future-Proof Your Career

Having a stable career and path can help alleviate stress, improve happiness, and give you a goal to drive towards. With 74% of UK workers worried about their financial situation, having a career plan you can trust can help improve your confidence and ultimately future-proof your career path. Future-proofing your career doesn’t have to be a difficult […]

Business Start-up Anxiety – Overcoming Entrepreneur Fear


Business Start-up Anxiety – Overcoming Entrepreneur Fear

For most entrepreneurs, starting their own business is the main aim. But quickly, business start-up anxiety and self-doubt can set in and stop them from acting and putting plans in place. Entrepreneurial fear can hinder those wanting to achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Facing anxiety head-on and finding new coping methods will […]

How a Business Acquisition Can Provide Quick Growth Opportunities


How a Business Acquisition Can Provide Quick Growth Opportunities

In today’s difficult economic landscape, many small businesses are struggling to keep their heads above water. Even those in a more comfortable position haven’t found themselves unscathed either. Research compiled by Enterprise Nation found that UK companies are delaying their plans for growth while the economic future remains so uncertain. Their findings showed that there had been […]

Unlocking Mental Health at Work: Global Expert Insights and Best Practices


Unlocking Mental Health at Work: Global Expert Insights and Best Practices

Mental Health Specialist Sarah Jeffries from Mental Health First Aid investigates the complex connections between employment conditions, unemployment, and mental health at work. As our professional environments evolve, there’s a pressing need for a more profound understanding of how the duration of work and unemployment statistics influence mental wellness. Through the lens of our recent study, we aim to […]

The Consequence of Not Being Socially Responsible


The Consequence of Not Being Socially Responsible

Integrating ethical and sustainable practices into your business operations – and, more importantly, embracing them – are at the very least expected by both consumers and employees. By not fulfilling these expectations, businesses risk a variety of negative consequences. Repercussions of Not Being Socially Responsible Damaging the Reputation You’ve Built Transparency is paramount amongst businesses […]

What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One


What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One

An exit strategy is something that shouldn’t be overlooked by any business owner or entrepreneur. When starting a new venture, it might not be the first thing on the to-do list, but a well-defined plan is essential for many reasons. Here’s what an exit strategy entails and why every business – regardless of size or […]

Why is Time Management So Important?


Why is Time Management So Important?

Time management is a great skill to have, not only in your professional life but in your personal life too! As we all know, maintaining healthy work-life balance is incredibly important so effective time management is a useful tool to help achieve this. By overcoming distractions that demand our attention and efficiently organising our tasks, […]

What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?


What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?

Are you taking advantage of the Chamber of Commerce? It plays a significant role in the economic development, connecting businesses, government and communities. If you weren’t aware of the part it plays, we’re going to take a closer look in this article. How Does the Chamber of Commerce Drive Economic Development? The Chamber of Commerce […]

First-Time Managers: How to Develop the Skills & Qualities You Need


First-Time Managers: How to Develop the Skills & Qualities You Need

Managing a team can be an exciting experience but it can also pose challenges, particularly for first-time managers and those transitioning from a team member to a leader. Statistically, managers promoted from within are more likely to be respected by their former teammates compared to an external hire – but there are still challenges ahead for those […]

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 


Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Which is More Important? 

The importance of hard skills vs soft skills is an ongoing debate, even though they are both crucial capabilities an employee should hold. How do you determine which holds more weight?  Let’s take a closer look at the difference between both skillsets and which are more important in the workplace.  What Are Hard Skills?  Indeed […]

Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 


Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 

Recruitment and learning with AI has reframed business processes, with apprenticeships providing a great solution for both; recruiting fresh new talent, and upskilling existing employees to close the digital skills gap in the workplace today. How we work with technology will improve our work experience, eradicating the boredom of daily tasks so we can focus […]

AI on the Rise: The Importance of Humanness in Hiring


AI on the Rise: The Importance of Humanness in Hiring

As AI becomes more ingrained in our daily lives, more people are incorporating these automated processes into their work. In fact, 37% of people have already used AI at work, and we can expect more people to start using it daily, too. But, how important is humanness in hiring? Caroline Gleeson, CEO at Occupop, says: “AI is […]

4 Obstacles to Overcome to Create a Learning Culture in the Workplace


4 Obstacles to Overcome to Create a Learning Culture in the Workplace

Embracing a learning culture in the workplace is a great way to help your business and people thrive. When companies get this right, it is estimated they are 92% more likely to be innovative and 37% more productive. That said, there is no hiding that implementing organisational change by bringing in a learning culture can come […]

How to Make a Positive Impact with Recruitment & Onboarding


How to Make a Positive Impact with Recruitment & Onboarding

When it comes to recruiting for vacant roles within your company, making sure you retain the talent you’re bringing in may be one of your concerns. Especially so since research shows 30% of starters leave their roles within the first three months and replacing them can cost you up to £30,614 per research from Oxford […]

Why the Term “Imposter Syndrome” Should Be Banned


Why the Term “Imposter Syndrome” Should Be Banned

New survey data from music licensing company PPL PRS reveals that, although the majority of UK workers are confident at work, they still get the wobbles sometimes. 49% UK workers shared that they suffer from low confidence during performance reviews, even though 71% of those respondents feel confident other times. This PPL PRS survey asked 1000 UK […]

Productivity Tips to Boost Your Employees’ Mood


Productivity Tips to Boost Your Employees’ Mood

With the winter blues creeping in on us, searches for seasonal affective disorder have increased by 500%. This can create feelings of lethargy, irritability and increase difficulty in concentration levels among employees, which can impact performance at work.  With the colder months capable of having an impact on productivity in the workplace, which features can help […]

How to Encourage Staff to Get More Active


How to Encourage Staff to Get More Active

Research from the World Health Organisation has found that a quarter of adults around the world don’t get the sufficient levels of physical activity needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Businesses should take note of this, as there is a direct correlation between exercise and workplace productivity. In fact, a study by the University of Otago in […]

Effective Ways the Travel Industry Can Reduce Waste


Effective Ways the Travel Industry Can Reduce Waste

The travel industry is one of the largest contributors to waste globally, with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) estimating that around 1.3 billion tonnes of waste is produced by tourists alone. With the global industry forecast to hit a staggering estimate of around £770 billion in revenue, an emphasis needs to be placed on businesses to reduce […]

How Can Beauty Brands Improve Sustainability Efforts?


How Can Beauty Brands Improve Sustainability Efforts?

It’s no secret that humans’ failure to recycle plastic correctly is destroying our oceans and killing our sea life – with a report revealing that the global beauty industry alone produces 120 billion units of plastic waste each year. Plastic Free July should encourage this industry to make more environmentally friendly choices. So, how can beauty brands […]

Are Businesses Prepared for the Next Global Crisis?


Are Businesses Prepared for the Next Global Crisis?

After multiple interest rate hikes and global crisis in a short period of time, it’s difficult for businesses to keep up and adapt. But how difficult? New data from the intelligent planning technology Board International reveals that, despite nearly every global business executing some form of planning transformation attempt since 2020, 90% report it failing […]

How to Manage a Business Crisis


How to Manage a Business Crisis

Did you know that the UK is facing its longest recession on record? Data shows that, with this crisis looming, uncertainties about business safety are rife and industries such as real estate are being hit the hardest. A business crisis often occurs unexpectedly, throwing your business into turmoil. However, this doesn’t mean you cannot have […]

Where is the Refill Capital of the UK?


Where is the Refill Capital of the UK?

Global sustainability efforts are more important than ever as we continue to find solutions, such as investing in refillable packaging, to minimise our impact on the planet. Reusability has significantly influenced the purchasing habits of global consumers in recent years, with 43 percent of consumers declaring it important. However, 29 percent also reject the concept […]

When Do You Know It’s Time for a Career Change?


When Do You Know It’s Time for a Career Change?

While career changes have become more common in recent years, taking this leap is still a daunting prospect – especially if you’re entering a new field of work or diverging from your acquired degree. The hesitance that comes with leaving your job can be evidenced in the rise of workplace trends, including ‘quiet-quitting’ and more […]

What is the Most Popular Time to Start a Business?


What is the Most Popular Time to Start a Business?

The study by UK financial services provider CMC Markets analysed the latest ONS data on weekly company incorporations to determine the best time to start a business. It found that from Saturday 4th June to Friday 10th June 2022, 18,386 new businesses were created at Companies House. This was the fifth highest number of new […]

Is International Expansion Unachievable for Business Nowadays?


Is International Expansion Unachievable for Business Nowadays?

According to new research from HedgeFlows, a leading fintech platform, of 500 UK SME owners, nearly three quarters of UK SMEs (70%) have abandoned plans for international expansion due to sky-high trading costs. The survey was conducted by independent polling agency Censuswide in April 2023 and the research quizzed industry chiefs about their plans for expansion, […]

The Impact of Finance Concerns on Mental Health of Small Business Owners


The Impact of Finance Concerns on Mental Health of Small Business Owners

A new survey conducted by Purbeck Personal Guarantee Insurance, the provider of personal guarantee insurance to small business owners, to mark Mental Health Awareness Week, 15-21 May 2023 has uncovered the emotional cost of being your own boss during the cost of living crisis. The owners of smaller businesses which took part in the survey employ 2 to 10 […]