The most effective way to succeed in business today is through video marketing. This is because videos have a higher conversion rate than any other medium, meaning that they’re incredibly effective in converting viewers into customers.
It is a great way to reach potential customers and make them aware of our brand. It can also be used to talk more in-depth about a product or service, compare brands, educate customers, provide tutorials, and more.
For B2B marketing, video content is usually less about branding and storytelling (though both are still relevant) than for consumer products. The point of B2B marketing videos is often convincing viewers that they should do business with our company. This might be because our product saves them money, makes their job easier, increases productivity or efficiency, improves their workflow, allows them to work from home (if you’re a service), or improves their bottom line in some other way. The way we make this argument will also vary depending on which sector we’re in. A video created using a video editor for a consulting firm would focus on different things than one designed for a car repair shop.
Here’s How to Optimise B2B Video Marketing Efforts:
1. Using The Right Type of Video for Each Marketing Goal:
Our video marketing strategy will be most effective if we create multiple video types to achieve multiple goals. We should consider our goal for the video and which type of video (animated explainer, live-action explainer, product demo, etc.) will do the best job of helping us achieve that goal. Also, we should make sure to select the best type of video for our end goal and choose one that fits the personality of our brand and audience. This is important because videos get shared even if they aren’t necessarily designed to generate leads (though they can still be optimised to improve conversions). We can even add an image to videos and use them on our website as a “coming soon” type of image.
2. Using Video for Lead Gen, Customer Retention, & Customer Education:
Remember that we can use video for multiple purposes. Many of us might already have a video on our website talking about our product. If you do, then it’s important to use other videos to create video campaigns that will complement and work alongside them. Convert image to videos can be a great way to use a video instead of a screenshot, infographic, or another type of image. Our goal should be to establish trust with customers who are just learning about us for the first time and interest them enough so that they will click through to our site and either sign up for a demo (in the case of lead generation) or buy something (for customer retention).
3. Leveraging Video Customer Reviews to Build Trust:
Video customer reviews are an effective way to help new customers understand more about our company and make up their minds. A well-produced video customer review can help establish trust with a new lead or customer. There are several ways to do this. For instance, we can have customers record videos of themselves using our product, showing them interacting with it in the real world, which is vital if we want to appear genuine and honest. Converting images to videos is also a great way to use images and text to supplement our video content.
If we can make our customers feel that they can trust what they see in our reviews (because we have a high-quality website and a good reputation), then it could be enough to convince them to buy from us based on other features which they might take for granted.
4. Including Social Sharing Buttons On Our Videos:
Our videos should be optimised to allow viewers to share them on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. There are several ways to do this. We can include a prominent social sharing URL on the video itself, put it in the description, or link directly to the video from our social media profiles (so that viewers only have one click required).
We should also make sure that we do not implement any technological penalty which could prevent people from sharing our videos. Things like private videos or videos without a visible title and description are off-putting for viewers when it comes to sharing.
5. Delivering Clear Messages About Products or Services in Bite-size Pieces:
If our marketing videos are designed to be educational content, then we need to ensure that they deliver their message properly. This means that they should not be too long (or the viewer will lose interest) but also that they should avoid spending too much time on one point or giving any unnecessary and elaborate backstory. Most importantly, we should use video marketing to help viewers understand why buying from us is better than doing business with our competitors. For example, if there is a specific feature of our product or service which makes it better than similar items sold by other companies. Or if there is some personalised service that makes us more valuable than the competition.
Enterprise companies are investing more money in videos than ever before. As ideas and budgets grow, so does the need for B2B Video Marketing that is tailored to their needs. If you’re in the B2B space, then video marketing can effectively reach your target audience. We’ve outlined five ways to use video to help us achieve our goals and increase our exposure. The most important thing is to make sure that you think through your end goal and choose a type of video that will help you achieve it in the best way possible.