What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One


What is an Exit Strategy in Business & Why You Should Have One

An exit strategy is something that shouldn’t be overlooked by any business owner or entrepreneur. When starting a new venture, it might not be the first thing on the to-do list, but a well-defined plan is essential for many reasons. Here’s what an exit strategy entails and why every business – regardless of size or […]

Why is Time Management So Important?


Why is Time Management So Important?

Time management is a great skill to have, not only in your professional life but in your personal life too! As we all know, maintaining healthy work-life balance is incredibly important so effective time management is a useful tool to help achieve this. By overcoming distractions that demand our attention and efficiently organising our tasks, […]

What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?


What is the Role of Chamber of Commerce in Economic Development?

Are you taking advantage of the Chamber of Commerce? It plays a significant role in the economic development, connecting businesses, government and communities. If you weren’t aware of the part it plays, we’re going to take a closer look in this article. How Does the Chamber of Commerce Drive Economic Development? The Chamber of Commerce […]

First-Time Managers: How to Develop the Skills & Qualities You Need


First-Time Managers: How to Develop the Skills & Qualities You Need

Managing a team can be an exciting experience but it can also pose challenges, particularly for first-time managers and those transitioning from a team member to a leader. Statistically, managers promoted from within are more likely to be respected by their former teammates compared to an external hire – but there are still challenges ahead for those […]

How To Write A Blog In 5 Steps


How To Write A Blog In 5 Steps

Blogging enables you to share ideas and connect with audiences you may never have thought was possible. Although blogging is a powerful tool, in order to yield the results you want, it’s essential you create a strategy so your target audience is captivated and your message is conveyed in the way you want it to […]

Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success


Why Teamwork & Leadership Skills Matter in Business Success

In today’s working environment, we operate in hierarchies of teams and leaders. Navigating the complexities within these dynamics can quite simply make or break your business. This article will explore the importance of both teamwork and leadership skills and their role in determining business success. Leadership Skills Confidence Firstly, a good leader must be recognised […]

How To Create an Employee Wellbeing Strategy


How To Create an Employee Wellbeing Strategy

Creating an employee wellbeing strategy is integral when it comes to looking after the mental, physical, and social needs of your employees. Not only does a wellbeing strategy take care of employees, it also can improve their performance and productivity at work. It should aim to cover both immediate issues, but also take into consideration […]

How Can You Turn Corporate Social Responsibility into a Priority in Your Business or Organisation?


How Can You Turn Corporate Social Responsibility into a Priority in Your Business or Organisation?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to the impact a company contributes to society and environmental causes. Examples of socially responsible actions include volunteering, making sustainable choices for the environment, engaging in ethical labour practices and charity work. A 2023 study found that 88% of millennials value CSR when choosing their jobs, and that their chosen company […]

Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 


Reframing Recruitment and Learning with AI 

Recruitment and learning with AI has reframed business processes, with apprenticeships providing a great solution for both; recruiting fresh new talent, and upskilling existing employees to close the digital skills gap in the workplace today. How we work with technology will improve our work experience, eradicating the boredom of daily tasks so we can focus […]